The award, given by the Asociación Nacional de Avisadores (ANDA), highlighted TVN’s documentary series – the first to offset its carbon footprint – for its work in disseminating initiatives to protect the environment.
The National Association of Advertisers (ANDA) has already awarded the SMA (Sustainable Marketing Award), and the documentary series Cambio Global won the award in the category “Communication that creates sustainable awareness” for its commitment to disseminating environmental issues and promoting sustainability.
In its second season, which is currently being broadcast every Sunday on TVN, the programme Cambio Global (Global Change) is a documentary series that highlights citizen initiatives that contribute to sustainability and promote environmentally friendly lifestyles.
Cambio Global was the first series in Latin America to offset its carbon footprint and in its first season diagnosed the phenomenon and consequences of climate change in Chile through the testimony of the country’s leading scientists. In its second season, the series highlights citizen initiatives to improve the environment.
In addition, the programme has its own website www.cambioglobal.cl, where every week Marcelo Mena, PhD in environmental engineering and director of the Sustainability Centre of the Andrés Bello University, provides practical information on how we can reduce our carbon footprint:http://cambioglobal.cl/ecotips/